Chris Nash : Developer | Composer | Teacher | Researcher - email for talks, consulting, commissions, and projects large or small
< Back to main page myEffect + mySynth : Audio Plugin Software Development Templates
This platform was originally designed
for use on the Audio Process Design and Implementation (APDI) module, a part of the music tech. courses
at UWE Bristol.

UWE Logo

As a response to COVID-19, the mini-plugin architecture was developed to replace the previous JUCE-based, Mac-oriented platform - to better support remote and remote learning - actually leading to improvements in both student engagements and performance.

If you're interested in using the platform in your classes, please contact me for info.
myEffect and mySynth are cross-platform code projects for Xcode (Mac) and Visual Studio (Windows) designed to make it easier to learn and develop professional audio plugins in C++, supported by a large library of code objects supporting digital signal processing (DSP).
  • Designed for students, ideal for experts.
    Hides non-essential code, allowing developers to focus on audio processing.
  • Uses a novel "mini-plugin" cross-platform architecture.
    Supplied with pre-compiled AU and VST plugin containers and a test host, supporting MIDI, automation, customisable UI, and both factory and user presets, with test sounds and music.
  • Pure, portable, high-performance C++ — no platform-specific code.
    A handful of source files enable DSP and interaction without compromising performance.
  • Includes a large library of low-level audio processing code objects.
    Incorporates an extended version of CCRMA's Synthesis ToolKit (STK).
AU/VST Synth Plugin
What is a
A mini-plugin is a small piece of software that contains the core of an audio plugin, which can be run in a compatible audio plugin host, through a plugin container.
  • Source code is significantly simpler.
  • Hides all plugin SDK / OS API details.
  • Avoids common learning obstacles in installation, getting started, and debugging/deployment.
  • Runs as high-performance, native compiled C or C++ with no third-party dependencies.
  • Extensible to any plugin format (e.g. AU, VST) or operating system (e.g. Mac, Windows).
  • Free, permissible licence (supports closed-source and commercial AU / VST development).
effects plugin
code template

The myEffect code project supports the development of AU/VST-compatible plugins supporting stereo effects processing:
  • Stereo audio input / output, 32-bit floating-point processing.
  • Focused on two simple code files - EffectPlugin.cpp/h
  • Integrated test sounds designed for specific effect types.
  • Built-in audio analysis and export (32-bit Wave file).
  • Support for AU (Mac) and VST (Windows) plugin hosts.

Installing on macOS / Xcode

  1. Download and extract the file to a suitable folder.
  2. Locate and open MyEffectTools.dmg in the Build sub-folder to
    mount the disk image (which appears as a new drive in Finder).
  3. Open the MyEffect Tools drive, and follow the instructions to
    copy Plugin Host to your Applications folder.
  4. From your Applications folder, right-click Plugin and
    select "Open", and then again if you see a security warning.
  5. Open the ".xcodeproj" project, in the MyEffect subfolder.
  6. The plugin and host will run from Xcode automatically,
    whenever you build and run the MyEffect project (⌘R).

Installing on Windows / Visual Studio

  1. Download and extract the file to a suitable folder.
  2. Open the ".vsproj" project, in the MyEffect subfolder.
  3. The plugin and host will run from Visual Studio automatically, whenever you build and run the MyEffect project (F5).

(v1.2 Mac/Win)

DISCLAIMER: these files are provided "AS IS" with no warranty or support of any kind whatsoever.

If you run across issues
or have questions, please email me, but priority is given to UWE students.


Getting Started
Excerpt from the course materials.
synthesis plugin
code template

The mySynth code project supports the development of AU/VSTi-compatible synthesisers / software instruments:
  • MIDI input / stereo audio output, 32-bit floating-point processing.
  • Focus on four code files - SynthVoice.cpp/h, SynthPlugin.cpp/h
  • Integrated MIDI sequences to test expressive note handling.
  • Built-in audio analysis and export (32-bit Wave file).
  • Support for AU (Mac) and VSTi (Windows) plugin hosts.

Installing on macOS / Xcode

  1. Download and extract the file to a suitable folder.
  2. Locate and open MySynthTools.dmg in the Build sub-folder to
    mount the disk image (which appears as a new drive in Finder).
  3. Open the MySynth Tools drive, and follow the instructions to
    copy Plugin Host to your Applications folder.
  4. From your Applications folder, right-click Plugin and
    select "Open", and then again if you see a security warning.
  5. Open the ".xcodeproj" project, in the MySynth subfolder.
  6. The plugin and host will run from Xcode automatically,
    whenever you build and run the MySynth project (⌘R).

Installing on Windows / Visual Studio

  1. Download and extract the file to a suitable folder.
  2. Open the ".vsproj" project, in the MySynth subfolder.
  3. The plugin and host will run from Visual Studio automatically, whenever you build and run the MySynth project (F5).

(v1.3 Mac/Win)

DISCLAIMER: these files are provided "AS IS" with no warranty or support of any kind whatsoever.

If you run across issues
or have questions, please email me, but priority is given to UWE students.


Getting Started
Excerpt from the course materials.
Audio Processes: Analysis, Effects, Synthesis and Control by David Creasey (with me as technical editor) is the recommended theory textbook for learning the theory behind audio procerssing, based on the APDI module. The book is designed as an accessible, platform-agnostic introduction to the concepts of effects and synthesis for newcomers (especiialy artists) to this complex field.
   A new practical textbook based on my teaching materials and the myEffect / mySynth platform is also now in the works. The book (and course) cover a wide range of effects and synthesis techniques, through real-world musical contexts and C++ audio plugin development. Email for information.